Friday, February 6, 2009

Composition Clips

Good Photo:
This photo has a nice leading line to the helicopter, which is unexpected. The fence also works as a frame, to separate the two elements in the photo, the cowboy (old school) and the helicopter (very modern). I also think the shadow on the cowboy works well as a metaphor for his disappearance as part of American society.

Bad Photo:
Boy at Eclipse
It looks like the top of the boy's head magically disappeared, and he now has a tree and building growing straight out of his brain. It's also very hard to separate him from the goats behind him. Cute moment with the goggles on the goat though.

M. Luther
How did they achieve this lighting? There's white light coming in at the window, but the room is all blue, and then there's the white spotlight on the Bible itself.

1 comment:

Leila Mattimore said...

oh my gosh the goggles on the goat are so cute! Ha the "kids" are watching the eclipse together.