Sunday, February 8, 2009

Composition Pictures

Good picture:
I really like this picture because the body of the butterfly is in so clear and in focus. I find it hard to blur surrounding images while making one element sharp and this picture demonstrates this concept perfectly. Also, the colors in the picture are vivid and pleasant to the eye.

Bad picture:
I really do like this picture (picture 10/10), but I think the photographer could have snapped the picture a second later and got the tennis racket at a better angle. The composition of the picture would be more "intense" if the racket was more visible.

The composition and coloring of this picture is unreal. It looks painted and the reflection of the mountains in the water is without a single flaw. My question is, did it take a lot of "photoshopping" to get this image to look this way? Also, can the cameras we are given to use take pictures of this quality? If not, what type of camera took this?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I agree that the first picture of the butterfly is beautiful. It follows the rule of thirds, and the apeture up that high adds a painted quality to the photo.

I couldn't find the "Bad" photo.

The "question" photo probably isn't very photoshopped. I traveled to China and was able to take surreal looking photos, simply because nature is THAT beautiful.